All classes and courses must have a minimum of 10 registered members in order to proceed.

Great Decisions 🧍

Date: THURS. FEB. 15–APR. 18

Time: 10 AM–12 PM

Location: Benerd College Room #110A/PDK

Fee: $135 (9 sessions, includes Foreign Policy Association Book)

Instructor: Gene Bigler, Retired Professor

Our participation in the national dialogue about U.S. foreign policy in 2024 with provided readings and expert videos will focus weekly discussions on (1) Middle Eastern realignment (and the Gaza War), (2) climate technology and competition, (3) science across borders, (4) U.S.-China trade rivalry, (5) NATO's future, (6) understanding Indonesia, (7) High Seas Treaty, and (8) pandemic preparedness.


Should We Dread Aging? Intergenerational Discussions Groups 🧍

Date: WED. FEB. 28 & MAR. 6

Time: 5:30–7 PM

Location: Benerd College Room #118

Fee: $15 (2 sessions)

Instructor: Carla Strickland-Hughes, Assistant Professor, Psychology

Join an intergenerational discussion group with upper-division undergraduate students to critically examine reasons why we should (or should not!) dread aging. Respectful and confidential small group conversations will explore these issues from viewpoints of our personal experiences and considering evidence from research on psychology of aging. Snacks provided.

Constructing Conversations 🧍

Date: TUES. MAR. 12

Time: 1–3 PM

Location: Benerd College Room #110B

Fee: $10 (1 se ssion)

Instructor: Carolyn Dougherty, Retired Teacher

There is a lot of misinformation being shared in today's world. What can we do when someone we care about falls for it? In this workshop, will explore strategies to recognize misinformation, some reasons why people might believe it, and ways to help friends through constructive conversations.

"Successful" Aging: A Student Exhibition 🧍

Date: MON. APR. 29

Time: 5:30–7 PM

Location: Benerd College Room #118

Fee: Free 

Instructor: Carla Strickland-Hughes, Assistant Professor, Psychology

What can we learn from psychological science on “successful” aging? Join advanced students who completed a “Psychology of Aging” class who will share evidence about myths versus realities of aging and evidence-based recommendations for aging well. You are invited to mingle and visit students tabled presentations. They will distribute pamphlets, discuss what they learned, and answer your questions.